We all understand stress on a personal level with many of us experiencing stress to some degree on a daily basis. Stress can be caused by a new job, work pressures, a change in routine and many other situations that can trigger anxiety. It’s not just us that experience feelings of stress, however, as our …
Is your dog stressed? How to spot the signs and support your pet.
Separation anxiety in dogs – how you can help your beloved pet!
Whether your dog is only a few months old or a few years old, if it is struggling with separation anxiety, it is probably causing you some anxiety too. Rest assured, you are not alone! Almost every dog owner has experienced a time in their dog’s life where their fluffy friend has struggled being left …
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The Benefits Of A Dog-Friendly Office & Top Tips!
The Pooch Positive Invitation to Work Is your dog suffering from a case of separation anxiety? You’re not alone. With life returning to ‘normal’ many dogs and lockdown puppies are experiencing stress and anxiety as their owners return to the office – but, what about bringing your dog with you? We discuss the benefits of …
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Veterinary Advice on Eye Care in Pets from Dr Barbara Fougere
The eyes are the window to the soul, its said, and who doesn’t love looking into the soul of your beloved cat or dog. But its also true that general body health and vitality may be reflected in the eyes. Sometimes the eyes can give clues to other conditions in the body and so they …
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Common eye health problems in dogs and the signs
Whether you’re a new dog owner or have had pooches for years, it is likely that you think a lot about the health of your beloved furry friend. Making sure they get the right amount of exercise and the best quality food is, obviously, right at the top of your list but what about their …
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Veterinary Advice on Digestion in Pets from Dr Barbara Fougere
DR BARBARA FOUGERE BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA Why digestion and gut health is so important. It is sometimes difficult to appreciate how the digestive tract can affect general health, but if food is not digested properly …
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My Dog Has A Sensitive Stomach: What Should I Do?
Is your dog suffering from a sensitive stomach? Digestive issues are never fun, for dogs or humans! Thankfully, there are ways in which we can support our canine friends and improve their tummy troubles. Read on to discover our top tips and advice. And, as always, we’re always here to help if you have any …
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Veterinary Advice on Separation Anxiety from Dr Barbara Fougere
DR BARBARA FOUGERE BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA One of the most common categories of anxiety is Separation anxiety, and that refers to the anxiety your pet feels when you are not there. Although with Covid , …
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Spot the signs of dog and cat anxiety and learn how to help your pet!
You can probably tell from the title what this blog is all about, in fact, it might be the exact reason why you clicked to read it because you want to know whether your cat or dog is suffering from anxiety and if so, how you can help them. So let’s start… Signs of anxiety …