Did you know that 40% of the UK’s dogs are afraid of fireworks? They might look pretty, but fireworks are a real trigger for nervous and anxious dogs. The loud noise and flashes of light can cause a noticeable change in behaviour, even for the most confident of dogs! You might find your dogs barking, …
Top tips for caring for nervous dogs during firework season
Our Dogs Article: Supporting your dog’s joint health
At Broadreach Nature we believe that joint health is very important ensuring that dogs have a happy and active life whatever their age. Our Joint Support range encourages mobility right from young puppies up to senior dogs and is veterinary formulated using all natural ingredients. Read the full article here.
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Caring for dogs with joint issues – Top tips
Joint care, did you know it’s not just for older, stiff dogs? Puppies, adolescent dogs and adult dogs (not yet classed as seniors) all need a little helping hand with their joints too. Top tips for caring for your dog’s joint issues When your dog is enjoying it’s younger years, it’s important to care for …
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How to keep dogs cool in the summer heat
Summer can be a difficult time for our furry friends, just imagine walking around in the heat of a summer’s day in a fur coat! Unlike us humans, dog’s cannot sweat through their skin, and instead, rely on panting and releasing heat through their nose and paws to keep cool. How to tell if your …
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What causes pet allergies and how can we treat them?
Summer, such a lovely time of the year but not for those who suffer from allergies! But what is an allergy exactly? What is a pet allergy? Allergy, technically known as hypersensitivity, occurs when the immune system fails to recognise harmless substances, such as pollens and launches an attack to defend the body against them. …
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What are the best calming products for dogs?
With lots of change currently happening all around the world right now, it’s inevitable that our pets are going to feel a little anxious and unsettled. If your dog has enjoyed extra human company and attention lately, a change in routine as you head back to work can often cause upset and changes in their …
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Return to Normal Life – How to help your pet cope with change
“The best time ever “, said every dog and cat during Lockdown. The extra time you have spent with your dog or cat has really reinforced your beautiful bond. And we have benefited from their company just as much as they have with ours. We’ve enjoyed their ever present company, they’ve brought us joy every …
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How to improve your dog’s digestive system
Does your dog suffer from an upset tummy? Here are our top tips to help you.
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During this unprecedented time, and with lockdown set to continue, it can be difficult to know if it is ok to exercise your pet while social distancing and also how to do so safely. Whilst we are sure our pets are happy to see even more of us than usual they still need regular exercise. …