Did you know that January is Walk Your Dog Month – how exciting. There is nothing better to kickstart the year (and all those healthy New Year Resolutions that we make) than doing something together with your pet. We always look at the importance of walking for your dog but in truth it is just …
January is Walk Your Dog Month
Why Dental Care is so important for our pets – Advice from our in-house Vet Dr Barbara Fougere
Our In-House Vet Dr Barbara Fougere BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA gives advice on Dental Care. Imagine not being able to clean your teeth. It wouldn’t take long before the bacteria (plaque) in your mouth began to damage …
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Pet Proof your Christmas Tree
Christmas isn’t only exciting for us humans but imagine the magical world of fun your pets see when you put up your Christmas Tree. This article takes a look at some of the steps you can take to pet proof your tree this Christmas. Secure your Christmas tree to the wall or ceiling to keep …
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Make your dog their very own Christmas Cracker
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to surprise your pup with a Christmas Cracker of their very own. It is pretty easy to make your dog their very own cracker and you should have most of the bits and pieces you need already lying about the house. What You NeedToilet Roll TubeRibbonNewspaper Or Coloured Tissue PaperDog Treats …
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Joint support during the colder season – Advice from our in-house Vet Dr Barbara Fougere
Our In-House Vet Dr Barbara Fougere BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA gives advice on joint care this winter. Winter is a beautiful time of the year, but not for our joints! Cold weather causes our circulation to dive …
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Keeping your dogs eyes looking great
Right from the very beginning let us be clear – you never clean the dogs actual eye, only the fur around it and only in a safely advised manner. Dogs with white or light fur, especially those with longer coats, can often present with what are commonly known as tear stains. It is often those …
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Do Dogs Watch Telly
Did you know that dogs don’t see the same way we do? They have what is called Dichromatic Vision. Their eyes have two types of colour receptor cells – what does this mean – they see colour within two spectrums of light namely blue and yellow and their relative shades. Humans on the other hand …
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A Spotlight on Vision – Advice from our in-house Vet Dr Barbara Fougere
Our In-House Vet Dr Barbara Fougere BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA gives advice on vision care. Those black button eyes that communicate so much to us, or deep brown eyes that show their love and trust, or bright …
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Caring for Older Dogs
Just because your dog gets old doesn’t mean that they are as fun as when they were younger. Of course it is just a different type of fun, just a more relaxed and slow paced fun. Of course for certain dogs old age comes sooner than for others and it is important to support them …