We may be used to our beloved pets suffering from itchy skin in the summer months with the warmer weather but when winter hits and the temperatures cool, it may come as a surprise when the itching and scratching doesn’t stop. We’re to help you understand what might be causing your pet to itch, what …
Itchy skin in dogs – home remedies may help!
Dogs and arthritis – how you can help!
You are probably aware of what arthritis is or at least have heard of arthritis or know of someone (a human) who has it. Our dogs are, unfortunately, not immune to arthritis either as they can get it too. We’re going to look at what arthritis is in dogs, what the signs are of arthritis …
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30 Fun Facts about dogs you may or may not know
You never know when one of these questions may pop up in a quiz. We’ve listed out 30 Fun Facts About Dogs below – see how many you know and enjoy this bit of January frivolity… A dog’s nose print is unique, much like a person’s fingerprint. A dog’s nose has as many as 300 …
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What treats you can give your pets this Christmas!
As the colder weather sets in and the Christmas decorations are put up the warm and fuzzy festive feeling we all get can somewhat affect our judgement especially when it comes to treating our furry friends. We want them to enjoy the festivities as much as we do, don’t we? But it is important to …
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What cat doesn’t like a cardboard box – Carboard box recycling ideas
Everyone who owns a cat knows that if you have an empty cardboard box in your home, 9 chances out of 10 your cat will try and climb in. But before we get to some exciting ideas on how to use all of those boxes that have delivered your Christmas gifts, let’s look at why …
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Is your dog stressed? How to spot the signs and support your pet.
We all understand stress on a personal level with many of us experiencing stress to some degree on a daily basis. Stress can be caused by a new job, work pressures, a change in routine and many other situations that can trigger anxiety. It’s not just us that experience feelings of stress, however, as our …
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Veterinary Advice on Eye Care in Pets from Dr Barbara Fougere
The eyes are the window to the soul, its said, and who doesn’t love looking into the soul of your beloved cat or dog. But its also true that general body health and vitality may be reflected in the eyes. Sometimes the eyes can give clues to other conditions in the body and so they …
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Vision Berry Key Ingredients
We thought we would share some of the great benefits that the ingredients that we use in our Vision Berry range have in the support of pet eye health. BLUEBERRIES (CYANOCOCCUS) Supports healthy vision, particularly the retinas A natural source of anthocyanins, polyphenols and pterostilbene which benefit and protect eye health Anthocyanins have antioxidant and …
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Veterinary Advice on Digestion in Pets from Dr Barbara Fougere
DR BARBARA FOUGERE BSc BVMS (Hons) MODT MHSc (Herb Med) BHSc (Comp Med) Grad Dip Herb Med, Grad Dip VCHM, Grad Dip VWHM, Grad Dip VA Why digestion and gut health is so important. It is sometimes difficult to appreciate how the digestive tract can affect general health, but if food is not digested properly …